Here we go!

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Yes, we are now avatars. Or we have our own avatars. Not sure what the accepted vernacular on such an event is, but I know it has to do with blurring the line between reality and imagination… something I make a living doing. So in this alternative world we chose to pilot a Dreamliner. 

Some of the best trips begin with… a nap. Michael is taking a power nap while my engine races. We’ve taken our last typhoid and begin malaria when we get to Singapore. Andrew’s taking us to the airport and off we go on Michael’s first trip on a Dreamliner (picture above of us in the cockpit). 

I still need to pack. I REALLY want to rent a car but not sure where or when. It may be in Kuala Lumpur or Java. I LOVE driving left side. My favorite is a stick shift, driver seat right, left side of the road. A W E S O M E. 
(update: Michael really wasn’t taking a nap. He was packing!! DUDE!)

We’re now at the airport in the United Club, having had our fill of free food. We’ve already read the WSJ and now we’re just killing time.

So sad: Packers are out. Falcons win. Rogers can  now REALLY rest for the rest of the season.

Poor Michael.

Mighty Mike checks the Falcon score to see if the Packers live to see another day.

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