Israel: Here I come!
Well, I may be back in the States, but the spirit is already moving me toward my next big trip. I was vacillating between Agra, India, and the Holy Land and was coached by a friend toward Israel. I’ve already begun scouting air fares and itinerary.
Agra shall have to wait until 2016.
At this time, I’m day dreaming of flying into Tel Aviv and spending half the time touring the sights and then moving on to Jordan. On the border of Jordan and Israel I will embed with a Bedouin tribe for a week, traveling by camel, living in a tent in the desert and probably eating locust like Saint John.
I wonder what I shall look like in the traditional Bedouin thobe? Mostly I need to find out where I get one of these:

Where can I get one of these cause I think I will need one if I am to fit in with the rest of the Bedouin.
Perhaps I will get red boots for this trip. They will need to go with the rest of my Bedouin garb. I will definitely need to try and fit in. 🙂
Can life can any better than that?